How can we help you today?
Exchange Rates
Rates as of17 January 2025
* Sales based on foreign currency stocks.
* Subject to change: The current rates are determined by the bank at the time of transaction.
My Request@tag>
Would you like to apply for your current account (private or business), savings account, term deposit, personal financing, mortgage, business financing, SME fund and NOFA? This can be done any time and at your comfort via Mijn Aanvraag.
WhatsApp Banking "Moneymate"@tag>
What is WhatsApp Banking?
WhatsApp Banking "Moneymate" is an innovative and user-friendly service that allows you to do your banking safely and quickly via the popular messaging app WhatsApp. This service allows you to easily request information at this stage, all within WhatsApp's familiar and convenient platform. We continue to work on expanding the functionalities through our WhatsApp Banking "Moneymate" service.
Add the number +597 8287878 to your contactlist and send 'Hi' to Moneymate via Whatsapp. Experience the convenience of banking whit Trustbank Amanah.
Customer Care@tag>
At Trustbank Amanah, the customer is central. Do you have a question that is not answered in our frequently asked questions? Please contact us via the channels below.
+597 459110
[email protected]