GenZ Account

  • You are a student between 16 and 25 years and you have the possibilities to manage your own finances.
  • You receive your monthly costs through your parents or receive a salary via your part-time job.

With your GenZ account you will make it easy for yourself.

Use anywhere and anytime internet & mobile banking to check your account or for transfers. With your debit card you can withdraw money from your account at various ATM’s and Cashpnts or pay at the stores via the POS.

Advantages with GenZ account

  • Convenient, safe and simple
  • You can get started right away with your own account

What do you need?

  1. Parent (or legal guardian) statement and school statement
  2. Birth certificate from CBB (not older than 6 months)
  3. Valid proof of identity parent/legal guardian and student (ID card)
  4. Family book
  5. Completed and signed application form included authorization statement

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